I have data in one column that I'd like to SUM however certain criteria needs to be met.
I've used the following formula to date but am not getting any result.
K9 = Reseach
K7 = Lunch
K5 = Break
Here is the data in question.
Column G (Busy Time) contains the data I'd like to SUM. I'm looking to have the formula look at the busy code then add up the times of specific codes. For instance give me the SUM of times for Busy codes(column D) 3, 4 and 7 for Joe. The issue is that Joe isn't the only agent. Several are listed with their IDs showing in Column A. Each agent shows the same info but with their name and ID listed in Columns A and B. The number of codes listed can also change via agent. In Joe's case he has 8 codes listed but there are some agents that only 4, however all will have 3, 4 and 7.
ID Name Total shift Busy code Busy reason Busy count Busy time
317 Joe 3:50:01 0 No Code 29 0:36:42
317 3:50:01 -1 System Code 3 0:00:09
317 3:50:01 2 Meeting 1 0:38:04
317 3:50:01 3 Break 17 3:51:36
317 3:50:01 8 Callouts 1 0:02:17
317 3:50:01 4 Lunch 12 4:54:43
317 3:50:01 1 Training 18 8:21:39
317 3:50:01 7 Research 45 2:32:45
Anyway, as you can see, I'm in a pickle.