Hi all.
I have imported data that I need to create a chart from. The text comes as follows.
Column a
Fault description A StopTime= 10
Fault description A StopTime= 100
Fault description A StopTime= 1000
Different Fault description B StopTime= 10
Different Fault description B StopTime= 100
Different Fault description B StopTime= 1000
As you can see messages can be varying lengths for the same fault or different faults.
My problem is that if I try to create a pivot chart from the fault descriptions then each one is listed seperately as the message for each fault is different due to the fact that the time maybe different.
I require all the Fault Description A's to be grouped together to give a total time in the pivot chart.
What I could do with ideally is a macro that deletes everything after StopTime so that all messages with the same description are the same length and include the same text.