Hi, I have excel 2007, I am a somewhat advanced user...
Question in short
i have a single excel file that wont let me copy cells and paste them to a new excel file...why
More details
only this one excel file wont let me paste cells to a new excel file. All of my other excel files i can copy and paste between them/ to new ones freely. Of interesting note, the very first time I try to copy a cell from the crappy file to a new one it works! every time after that it will paste an empty cell. If i choose paste special I don't get the usual options...instead my choices are (Microsoft office excel worksheet object, picture, bitmap, microsoft office excel 2007 binary format, microsoft excel 3.0 format, Biff5, SYLK, DIF, XML spreadsheet, HTML, unicode text, Text, CSV, Hyperlink) where as normally my options are contained within a 'paste special box'....
Any ideals? please help!!!!
and thank you for your time.