Not sure if the title explains it very well, but basically I have 11 sheets with multiple names. For example sheet1 has 433 names on it, sheet2 has 2209 names on it, sheet 3 has 578, etc.
One sheet has 353 so I am looking to mark either by background, or even erasing on the other sheets any names in a certain column, say A, that are not on the sheet with the 353 names.
I've manually deleted them many times before but it's a long drawn out process. I'm pretty much a noob. I can avg, std dev, basic forumlas across rows, coulmns, or even sheets but this is far outside my realm of Excel knowledge I was hoping someone could help me out.
Basically this is a for a statistical comparsion of various numerals which I'll do after the sheets have been trimmed down.