My question is how many parts havinig end with C?Also arrange these parts in ascending order in a new column.
Please refer to the attached file and expected result also.
Pradeep Kumar Gupta
My question is how many parts havinig end with C?Also arrange these parts in ascending order in a new column.
Please refer to the attached file and expected result also.
Pradeep Kumar Gupta
Last edited by PRADEEPB270; 03-04-2010 at 06:15 AM. Reason: Some text were missing.
Here is a solution that requires two manual steps which you will perform every time you need to refresh the list. I have added a row that includes the criterion you are looking for. From there you need to use Advanced Filter. As your List Range, select your part numbers, including the header. As your Criteria Range, select the line I added (=*C) plus the header above. Check Copy to another location and select the desired location for output. To sort them, select the results and then use Sort.
If you want this to automatically keep your list up to date every time you make a change, you will need a VBA solution.
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Hi Pradeep,
Alternatively you can use the following formula in E5 : =IF(RIGHT(C5,1)="C",C5,"") and then drag it down to the end,
Then you can sort the data in another column
here's another way
btw @
i think youve posted the wrong workbook!
Last edited by martindwilson; 02-20-2010 at 05:54 AM.
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my apologies i didnt see the advanced filter criteria at the top ! and just assumed it was the original and used it myself
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