Im curious as i can implement it into what ive done so far and it would make my userform much easyier to use, at the moment you either scan (barcode) or enter code into my userform press enter, it searches Column B on sheet 1 for this value, and then if found highlights Cell A of that Row. It then runs a macro that prints to my label printer the data generated. Now some barcodes i have are longer than others so cant set the macro to call once a number of digits have been enterd. I ideally (for speed of printing) would like the Userform to call the macro to print once something has been scanned or if being enterd manually enter is pressed after.

My thoughts are the best ways to do so would be based on speed the digits are enterd, (if scanned, Digits would be enterd instantly wheres manually it would be typed slowly.) if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.