
I have been asked to make some ammendements to a workbook currently in use.

I have to calculate elapsed time, and my formula is giving me odd results. I have a start time (cell B5), and an end time (cell F5). The formula being used was =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24)) which gave the correct result. The cell is formatted as general. It didn't alot for the situation where the end time has not happened yet.

I changed the formula to =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24),(K5-B5)*24) where cell K5 is the current time. The results are coming out with 6 - 9 decimal places. It makes no sense as I've tried setting the times to be exactly 24 or 48 hours to the minute. I've also tried replacing K5 in the formula to now(), but it didn't help.

Does anyone have any ideas?
