Hello all
I am new today to the forum and would like to say hello to all and thanks in advance for the help, assistance and advice to come.
I have written the simple formula below using the 'IF' statment. The formula basically returns a value once a condition is met. My question is that whilst I am proud that I managed to write it without using any assistance, can the formual be simplified? (i.e. shortened to give the same results)?
=IF(G2=G6-3,"Time to update or request details",IF(G2=G6-2,"Time to update or request details",IF(G2=G6-1,"Time to update or request details",IF(G2=G6,"Time to update or request details",IF(G2=G6+1,"ATTENTION!! Details overdue",IF(G2=G6+2,"ATTENTION!! Details overdue","ok"))))))
Many thanks