Hi friends,
A1 cell data is : Microsoft (MS) Google (G) Yahoo (Yho)
I want to extract each words who start with ( and end with ).
B1 will be (MS)
C1 will be (G)
D1 will be (Yho)
How can I do that?
Thank you
Hi friends,
A1 cell data is : Microsoft (MS) Google (G) Yahoo (Yho)
I want to extract each words who start with ( and end with ).
B1 will be (MS)
C1 will be (G)
D1 will be (Yho)
How can I do that?
Thank you
Here are two solutions. The first requires "helper" cells. It's more efficient but if you don't care for that you can construct "megaformulas" as shown in the second solution.
| | |·| |·| |·| |·| | |:| | |·| |·|
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Try this one:
="(" & MID(SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(","|",COLUMN()-1),FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(","|",COLUMN()-1))+1,FIND(")",SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(","|",COLUMN()-1),FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(","|",COLUMN()-1)))-FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(","|",COLUMN()-1)))
Another single cell alternative perhaps:
B1: ="("&TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($A1,"(",REPT(" ",255),COLUMNS($B1:B1)),")",REPT(" ",255),COLUMNS($B1:B1)),255,255))&")" copied across to D1
My Recommended Reading:
Sumproduct & Arrays
Pivot Intro
Email from XL - VBA & Outlook VBA
Function Dictionary & Function Translations
Dynamic Named Ranges
For last word I used
But still don't like this solution because if I have more than 4 parantheses it will crash
I had an error, which is corrected in the attached but the formula becomes very unwieldy compared to the ones above.
I have also added a UDF here if you care to use one, also in the attached.
' Extract the nth occurrence of text delimited by ldelim and rdelim, including the ' delimiters Public Function DelimitedText( _ c As Range, _ ldelim As String, _ rdelim As String, _ Optional n As Long = 1) _ As String Dim s As Variant Dim stemp As String Dim result As Variant result = InStr(c.Value, ldelim) If result = 0 Then DelimitedText = "#LDELIM!" ' left delimited not found Else s = Split(c.Value, ldelim) stemp = ldelim & s(n) result = InStr(stemp, rdelim) If result = 0 Then DelimitedText = "#RDELIM!" ' right delimiter not found Else DelimitedText = Mid(stemp, 1, InStr(stemp, rdelim)) End If End If End Function
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