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Finding a cell reference in an array

  1. #1
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    Question Finding a cell reference in an array

    Hi all,

    I'm setting up an Excel (2000) sheet to record the results of a competition at my local photographic society. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible to fill out by the people using it, so have shaded the cells that require the user to put data in. I'll post a screenshot of the sheet, which is named "DPI", to make it easier:

    (EDIT) screenshot removed - see attached file in post #3 below instead

    I use one row for each member entering the competition. Each member can submit up to three photographs for judging. The names in B5:B30 are tied to the member number in A5:A30, and pulled in with VLOOKUP from a separate sheet containing all the club's members. The names in this example are, obviously, fakes. ;-)

    The three blocks are to enter the image titles and associated scores. I have a range called "scores" which is defined as =DPI!$D$5:$D$30,DPI!$G$5:$G$30,DPI!$J$5:$J$30

    The rank columns are simply calculated using the RANK function. E.g. the formula in E5 is =IF(ISBLANK(A5),"",RANK(D5,scores,0))

    The cells at the top are calculated using the LARGE function upon the defined range "scores" (although they could equally use the SMALL function on the rank columsn instead).

    The bit I'm stuck at is what I want it to say along the top. eg: "Leg 1 Winner: 30 is {insert image title} by {insert member name}"

    Using the winner as an example, I want to take the winning score shown in D1, find it in the named array "scores", and return the image title to the left of it. Obviously I can't use VLOOKUP as the data is to the left of the lookup value as well as being in multiple columns. I wanted to use OFFSET to return the value of the column to the left, but to do that I need to pick up the reference of the cell containing "30" i.e. the winning score shown in cell D1.

    How can I find this cell reference? Or is there a better way? I thought about the old MATCH/INDEX function, but INDEX doesn't seem to work very well with data in non-contiguous arrays as I'd have to specify which block to look in.

    Once I can get the image title returned I hopefully sholdn't have any bother extending it to return the member name from a fixed column, but I can't figure out how to get the reference of the cells in the "scores" array that contain the winning scores shown in D1, D2 and D3.

    Many many thanks in advance for any help! This has been driving me crazy for the past couple of days!
    Last edited by stroberaver; 02-15-2010 at 08:11 AM. Reason: reference to uploaded xls file

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    Post workbooks instead of pictures, when you can.

    In F1, try this:

    =INDEX($C$5:$C$30, MATCH(1, $E$5:$E$30, 0)) & " by " & INDEX($B$5:$B$30, MATCH(1, $E$5:$E$30, 0))
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  3. #3
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    Thanks for the reply.

    As I understnd it, the formula given would work by looking in the range E5:E30 for rank 1, but what I'm trying to do is develop a sheet where it will pick up rank 1 (or score 30) wherever it is in the three columns. It could equally be in the range H5:H30, or K5:K30, depending on the competition results. This is what seems to make it difficult - the fact that I need to check three separate places to find the desired score or rank.

    Attached is an anonymised version of the sheet to replace the screenshot above. After updating some scores, the winning score is now in the range G5:G30.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    You've designed yourself into a corner here. Life is so simple if you create a standard database where each row represent ALL the information for a single entry.

    This is how I would set up the same data for simplified evaluation.

    I've added some data validation so if you select the same Member # more than 3 times, the row protests.

    The totals in G and H will only appear in the first row for each member #. Not sure what you want to do with that data, but there it is.

    There's a dynamic drop down in column A for selecting the Member #, as you add to the list on the Members sheet, that drop down expands itself.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    Wow, thank you so much. I agree, that's a much better piece of design / logic than what I was trying to do. Columns G & H are a nice touch too - this data is needed to calculate the winners over the season (there are three legs to the competition each year). Thank you very much.

    Quick, relatively noobish question though - how do I switch on/off the filter and restricted input on the cells in A7:A32? I've only ever used the autofilter before.

    Many thanks!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    There's no Autofilter active on this sheet. What are you referring to?

  7. #7
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    The pulldown menu on the member numbers in column A that gives you a list of member numbers to click on, pulled from the members sheet.

    I was just saying this was different to the autofilter, and wondered where it is configured from.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    On sheet1 column A are your member numbers. As you add to that list, the drop down on sheet 2 will expand itself to include all your sheet1 entries.

    The drop down is a Data > Data Validation > List.
    The Source: is a named range called Members. I created the named range on sheet1. Look in Insert > Name > Define and click on Members to see the dynamic range formula being used.

    We could just make a range with a regular range of cells, but then your drop down would have a bunch of blanks, so the dynamic formula figures out how many entries are in column A and expands to show just that many options.

    I thought this would be more attractive, change the DPI formula in cell G2 to this, then copy it down:

    =""""&UPPER(INDEX($C$7:$C$32, MATCH(ROW($A2), $F$7:$F$32, 0))) & """ by " & INDEX($B$7:$B$32, MATCH(ROW($A2), $F$7:$F$32, 0))

    Leave it the way it is if you don't like this new appearance.

  9. #9
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    If that takes care of your need, be sure to EDIT your original post, click Go Advanced and mark the PREFIX box [SOLVED].

  10. #10
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    Re: Finding a cell reference in an array

    Yes, that's what I was querying - the data validation option. The dynamically defined range is a nice touch too. Many thanks again!

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