Hi there,
I'm trying to use Excel 2007 and got struck with Countifs Function.......................
Please check out the COUNTIFS function on Data Tables Sheet -> Cell D29 and pls. let me know what's going on..
What I need is : To calculate the number of items on system data tab which has the "Pending" status and items which belongs to month "Jan-10" under a particular person selected from B 27 cell (Data tables tab).
I solved it by using >=01-01-10 and <=31-01-10 criteria but i don't think its nice idea .... I tried to use AND(function by got failed ........
=COUNTIFS('System Data'!C2:C6020,">=01-01-10",'System Data'!C2:C6020,"<=31-01-10",'System Data'!D2:D6020,B27,'System Data'!E2:E6020,"Pending")
Although i've solved it by using sumproduct formula in which i used month(D2:D100)=month(B13)
=SUMPRODUCT(--('System Data'!$D$2:$D$130=$B$12)*--('System Data'!$E$2:$E$130=$A14)*--(MONTH('System Data'!$C$2:$C$130)=MONTH(B$13)),--(YEAR('System Data'!$C$2:$C$130)=YEAR(B$13)))
but I am unable to use this month function in Countifs, May be there is no facility of range function in Countif ?????
In other words can we use this formula which i used in sumproduct ???????
=COUNTIFS(month('System Data'!C2:C6020),month(Cell reference),year(cell reference))
Appreciate your help ....