Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to deal with a problem. My client needs me to produce personalized letters using fields from a spreadsheet. Here's the scenario:
The customer would like persons with multiple transactions to receive 1
letter listing the different transactions and the info shown on the letter.
Columns used in address block are J,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R
Columns used at bottom of letter are A,B,F,G,H,X
I presume that after records are merged, I will have additional columns in
the database, so those field names will be changed on the word document
accordingly in the columns at the bottom. Eg. Price, Price2, price3, etc.
and so on....
Example of what I need to achieve:
Looking at the database, line 2,3 & 4 have the same account number,
therefore the same person. Line 5 and 6, same account number, same person.
And so on where account numbers are the same.
At the bottom of the word document for "anne" (2,3,4) we want to
list data in columns A,B,F,G,H & X(as stated above) multiple times
corresponding to each of the 3 entries for her. All on the 1 letter.
Hopefully, this is clear!!!
So a person with 2 lines now, combined to 1, 10 lines combined to 1 etc.
I am really stuck here so ANY help would be so very much appreciated! I attached a portion of the workbook (sensitive info changed) and also an word doc. that mimics the letters. THANK YOU!