Hi experts, I have some data in ranges C2:C7, and B2:B7. Values are:
for range B2:B7 we have this:
B2: 100
B3: 200
B4: 300
B5: 400
B6: 500
B7: 600
and for range C2:C7 we have this:
C2: 100.41
C3: 200.842
C4: 301.274
C5: 401.706
C6: 502.138
C7: 602.57
and resulting Trend line equation in the graph is the following:
y = 6.50521E-19x3 - 6.39246E-16x2 + 1.00432E+00x - 2.20000E-02
with R2 = 1.00000E+00
I usually obtain directly the coefficients (6.50521E-19, -6.39246E-16, 1.00432E+00, -2.20000E-02) using something like this:
(each value in a different cell)
but I realized that numbers with so small power (E-16, E-19 for this case) the result coefficient is zero using the formula.
Is there some way to see the correct small coefficient numbers (6.50521E-19 and -6.39246E-16 for this case), just like the graph shows?
Thanks in advance.