Anyone, (please)

I have a summary sheet and 31 additional sheets numbered 1-31. The sheet names 1-31 represent calander days in a given month.

The Summary sheet reads left to right and formula I use increments for the sheet name. 1,2,3,4 etc...

Example: Starting A1 through AE1, I would insert ='1'!F2; B1: insert ='2'!F2; C1: insert ='3'!F2 etc...etc... till AE1: insert ='31'!F2.

As you can see, I am pulling data from multiple sheets, but the same cell each time. It is very time consuming to go to each cell and just alter the page/sheet name (31 times)


What formula can I enter in A1 that I can drag/copy through to cell AE1 ...... and pulls data from the same cell from multiple pages?

Thanks In Advance!!