Hey guys

I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my stock holdings.

I've got several portfolios. Each of these portfolios is in its own "sheet"

I'm wanting to create a summary sheet which will total up my holdings in each stock.


Portfolio 1 - Sheet 1
ABC 2000 shares
XXX 1500 shares
XZY 1000 shares

Portfolio 2 - Sheet 2
ABC 1000 shares
XZY 8000 shares

Portfolio 3 - Sheet 3
TTT 500 shares

So the summary sheet would collate the holdings over multiple sheets and produce something that looks like this

Summary - Sheet 4
ABC 3000 shares
XXX 1500 shares
TTT 500 shares
XYZ 9000 shares

Obviously if I add a new stock to one of the individual portfolios this needs to be automatically updated in the summary.

Can anyone give me any guidance on the excel formula to do this?
