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Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

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  1. #1
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    Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

    Hello Everyone:

    [Because this post attracted no suggestions in the first 5 hours, I have simplified the problem and presented the simpler version in the second post, below. I think forum members should probably read and respond to the second post, before or instead of responding to the first. Cheers & genuine thanks!]

    I am looking for an efficient solution to the following problem. I have a sales table with two columns, titled C1 and C2. The first column lists the product sold, and the second column lists the associated customer.

    Here's what I mean (though I can't figure out how to create neat columns in this post):

    [C1] [C2]

    Prod1 CharlieCo
    Prod3 AlphaCorp
    Prod2 BetaInc
    Prod3 BetaInc
    Prod1 AlphaCopr

    Thanks to this forum, I do know how to count the number of *unique* values in a column using a CSE formula. So, I can use that formula to calculate that there are 3 unique customers in the example above.

    But now the challenge is harder. I need to calculate the number of *unique* clients who purchased every possible combination of products!

    Let me say right away that I'm not looking for someone to come up with a CSE formula for every potential combination of products. Rather, I'd be enormously grateful if someone can show me an extensible way to calculate the number of distinct customers for *any particular* combination of products.

    Also, it's no problem for me to manually identify all the possible combinations, like this:

    Prod1 and Prod2 and Prod3
    Prod1 and Prod2
    Prod1 and Prod3
    Prod2 and Prod3

    ... so what I really need is for someone to show me how to calculate the answer for , say, "Prod1 and Prod2 and Prod3", and I should be able to do the rest!

    BTW, the sum of these 7 calculations should still be 3, per the example above.

    Of course, my actual situation is considerably more complicated, with about 80 possible product combinations. For that reason and others, I'd prefer not to introduce 80 new columns into my spreadsheet as an intermediate step to solving this problem.

    So, can anyone come up with an efficient solution??

    CSE is fine.


    Last edited by JayUSA; 01-16-2010 at 01:32 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

    No suggestions so far... :o

    Perhaps if I cut the problem down a little, people will be more inclined to put on their thinking caps...

    So... if one has the same 2 columns as described before:

    [C1] [C2]

    Prod1 CharlieCo
    Prod3 AlphaCorp
    Prod2 BetaInc
    Prod3 BetaInc
    Prod1 AlphaCopr

    How would one add a 3rd column, C3, that presents the full product mix purchased by each customer?

    [C1] [C2] [C3]

    Prod1 CharlieCo Prod1
    Prod3 AlphaCorp Prod3+Prod1
    Prod2 BetaInc Prod 2+Prod3
    Prod3 BetaInc Prod2+Prod3
    Prod1 AlphaCopr Prod3+Prod1

    I could probably solve the rest of the problem if I knew how to generate this 3rd column.

    Thanks and cheers!


    PS: Obviously extra credit to anyone who can see a way to avoid creating new columns of interim data!

  3. #3
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

    Column 3:

    add this code to a new module in the VB editor (Alt+F11)

    Function aconcat(a As Variant, Optional sep As String = "") As String
    ' Harlan Grove, Mar 2002
    Dim y As Variant
    If TypeOf a Is Range Then
    For Each y In a.Cells
    aconcat = aconcat & y.Value & sep
    Next y
    ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
    For Each y In a
    aconcat = aconcat & y & sep
    Next y
    aconcat = aconcat & a & sep
    End If
    aconcat = Left(aconcat, Len(aconcat) - Len(sep))
    End Function
    then assuming your data is in A1:B5, use:

    =SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(aconcat(IF($B$1:$B$5=B1,$A$1:$A$5,"")," "))," ",",")

    and confirm with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER not just ENTER

    copy down...

    This separate entries with comma, you can change that... by changing the symbol between double quotes in last part of the formula.
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

    Oh my goodness, MBVC, I am so pleased to find your post, and so excited to try the solution that you *developed*!!

    Unfortunately, it's bedtime here now. I'll report back my results to you tomorrow.

    But in the meantime, again, many, many thanks!!!


  5. #5
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    Re: Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)


    I had to stay up late and check out your solution....

    ...and it works!!!!!!!

    Infinite thanks and sincerest gratitude!!

    You made my day,



  6. #6
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Number of unique customers for every possible product combination? (2007 CSE)

    You are most welcome...

    Can you please mark your thread as Solved.

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