Hi I have columns with following data in it
car-2006-blue-owned-new 500
car-2005-blue-taxi-old 600
car-2006-blue-owned-old 800
car-2007-blue-taxi-new 1000
bike-2005-black-owned-old 100
Now based on the user selection i have to display the data. That is if the user select car,2006,blue,taxi,old i need to display its corresponding value in coloumn B. and if the user selects car,2006,blue,taxi,OLD and NEW then i hav e to sum their respective value in B column. I have used a SUMIF() formula for this and works fine for the vehicle, year,colour selections.
But when the user selects the OWNED/TAXI or OLD/NEW the respond is very slow.
The example stated above is for a example and my excel has some 1000 rows of data.