Hey all
I'm back trying to get a race horse spreadsheet working. I want to add some data to a sheet where I have the name of a race meeting, depending on where that meeting is held means it fits a certain criteria for other functions I am running.
I have a seperate "List" sheet which holds, amoung other lists, a list of meeting names in 3 columns. List A1:A20 is metropolitain meetings (IE Names of race courses. List B1:B20 is Provincial meetings & list C1:C20 is bush meetings.
On another sheet called "Meetings" I have rows of meeting names & horse details etc. Basically if a meeting on this sheet is from one of the three lists on the "List" sheet I would like a cell in the same row as that record to return whichever list heading it matches, IE if the meeting name was a match to a meeting name on the lists from Metro then I want "Metro" to be returned.
Also, the date is on the meetings sheet & I want to return either "Weekend" or Weekday" depending on the date of that meeting.
Attached is a cut down sample of what I mean. I hope its self explainitory.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that if the meeting name does not match any on the lists then it should return "Country" (I did this because the list of country meetings is in the hundreds as opposed to a few for each of the 3 other types.
Second EDIT: Geeze, Sorry, I forgot to also mention I'm using Excel 2007.