Unfortunately my excel knowledge is not in depth enough to comprehend how to carry out the following:
I have approx. 330 names spread amongst 5 sheets (1 for each day of the week) with the names being used a total of 540 times (ie some are used more than once). the names are arranged in 3 coloumns with multiple rows beside each coloumn to record a tick, 'x', 1/2, 'A', 'Ex', '*' or the cell may be left blank .
i need to set up from a master list of names (one that contains all the names and some more), preferably in a different document altogeter, a precentage of how many times each name recieved a tick out of the possible 5 marks (the blank cells do not count as do the ones that conatin *).
hopefully i have explained this well enough for you to understand and i very much would appreciate any help i can get on this as i just cannot think of how to go about this