I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to set the range to constant in this formula so that i can use auto fill: =COUNTIF(Monday!B2:H40,A2)
Where monday is the title of the sheet, B2:H40 is the range of cells and A2 is the criteria.
i have set up a workbook with 6 sheets, 1 for each day of the week and the last for a list of all the names that appear on those 5 sheets. i wish to count how many times those names appear on each sheet.
I have approx 300 names in the A coloum but need to search the same range and when i go to autofill the next formula is:
=COUNTIF(Monday!B3:H41,A3) and so on.
which is not the range i require but is the criteria i require.
any suggestions? and i shall apologise in advance if i dont make much sense