Sheets 1, Cell G1 ...
Sheets 1, Cell G1 ...
that's the one. the students have 3 weeks after that to hand work in with a 10% penalty on each late week and there is a limit of 3 weeks after which a mark of 0 is applied.
Ok so now add a column and use an IF function to decide the days overdue and apply the penalty
im not too sure how the if function works.
could you give me a quick example showing me the general format of one please
i have added a new column that contains the difference between the two dates
i need to know who i would go about using an if function to add the amount of penalty into the next column automatically.
just can't figure out how to get the penalty to work there
Assuming late % to be calculated in G12 onwards
formatted as %![]()
G12: =IF($A12="","",LOOKUP(MAX(0,F12-$G$1),{0,7,14,21,28},{0,0.1,0.2,0.3,1})) copied down
not entirely sure I followed the date requirements - you may want {0,1,8,15,22} rather than {0,7,14,21,28}
Last edited by DonkeyOte; 12-01-2009 at 06:52 AM.
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