I'm creating a calculator to determine the distance & travel time on a xy grid for a game. I'll share what I have so far to display the big picture. Here’s what I’ve accomplished so far:
#1) Cells A1 & B1 are dynamic, they are frequently changed so distance and time may be displayed. Cells A2 & B2 do not change.
#2) I use the following formula to determine the distance between cells, displayed in C2: =SQRT((A2-$A$1)^2+(B2-$B$1)^2)
#3) Next I multiply C2 by a number so that distance is measured correctly per unit type for this game. (I hide this column). Therefore, cell D3 has the following formula: =C2*20
#4) Now my problem, cell E3 - Correctly displaying time. I have the following formula in E3: =TIME(0,D2,0)
This works great!! That is until the time goes beyond 24 hours, then it rolls over. I've tried right clicking and setting the custom format of E3 to [hh]:mm, it still rolls over. I’ve also tried setting formatting to d:[hh]:mm, if I do this then the output time displayed is incorrect.
Ideally I would love a simple fix so that the time will roll over and show days. (I would like a display similar to d:hh:mm).
I’ve done a fair bit of research online and either I'm missing something simple or this is more complex than I thought. And not to make this any more confusing, but I would love whatever I accomplish here to be useable in compatibility mode.
I am still learning excel and did not want to ask for help, but I seem to have ran into a road block. Please Help! Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Example (this is accurate, but then A1&B1 are close enough where it does not roll over after 24 hours):