below is an example of an array on a sheet:

bob 1 2 3
joe 7 8 9

right now i'm using vlookup in a second sheet to lookup "bob" and the corresponding values in the columns from the first sheet. ex: =vlookup($A1,sheet1!$A:$D,2,0), A1="bob" in the second sheet.

i want to be able to drag that formula across to column D and have the column index go up sequentially(2, 3, 4) so that i get the same values as the first line in the first sheet. is vlookup able to do this? if not, is there another formula i can use? is there a symbol/formula i can enter in place of the row index that will move it sequentially? seems like i've been using vlookup for far too long and i need to venture out to some formulas that might be more efficient. any suggestion is appreciated.
