Hi there,
The problem I hope you will help me out with, is hard to explain in words. But I did my best to make it as clear as possible in the attached worksheet. So, could you please have a look at it . Thank you very much.
Hi there,
The problem I hope you will help me out with, is hard to explain in words. But I did my best to make it as clear as possible in the attached worksheet. So, could you please have a look at it . Thank you very much.
Last edited by Michael6; 10-13-2009 at 09:24 AM.
What exactly does this mean>
So for February selected.. what calcs should happen?Calculations to start from the chosen month [in cell 'F7' till the end of December, Cell 'D60'.This is impotant mainly for the progressive sum to be calculated from a particular month
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What exactly does this mean>
So for February selected.. what calcs should happen?Calculations to start from the chosen month [in cell 'F7' till the end of December, Cell 'D60'.This is impotant mainly for the progressive sum to be calculated from a particular month
NBVC, Thank you for your reply. Could you please have a look at the attached modified worksheet sample. What is now needed is one single formula to give us the sums in column E. No need now for selecting a particular month [i.e ignore cell F7]
Last edited by Michael6; 10-08-2009 at 05:04 AM.
If you want one formula to "unite them all..."
can no doubt be streamlined but I'm about to head out door...![]()
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(above does make assumption that months are listed sequentially (and without gaps))
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DonkeyOte, thank you very much. The formula is great; it is the one I've been looking for. But it needs some modifications to give accurate results.
**The problem is: If a value is entered in column 'C' in the top row of any month, it will wrongly be added to to the " Month Credit" of the preceding month.
** Another thing is that the last "Progressive Total" calculated is copied down to the end of the table for the rest of the months that have no values entered yet.
**One more thing (not so important), is the appearance of the zero values. It will be better if they don't show.
The sample worksheet , with the problem pointed out on it is attached
To hide the 0's simplest thing to minimise calcs would be to use a Custom Format to do this (assumes 0 never a valid output), eg: [=0]"";General![]()
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(adjust as necesary)
DonkeyOte, the formula is now perfect and works quite fine.
I can't find the words to thank you. With you on this forum, one can be assured of getting the help he seeks.
Back to you again DonkeyOte.
I've just encoutered a problem in applying the formula, which is explained in the attached sample worksheet.
Could you please have a look and advise me of a solution. Thanks
This occurs because the value being added (eg K61) throws the sequence of numerics out of sequence which in turn causes the MATCH to return the incorrect row - in turn enlarging the range to be summed - leading to incorrect results.
Remember dates are integers ... on 1900 Date System:
30 Nov 2009 --> 40147
111 --> 20 Apr 1900
So by adding the 111 below the dates you end up with an unsorted date sequence of:
1 Oct 2009
1 Nov 2009
1 Dec 2009
20 Apr 1900
Conducting MATCH with return_type of 1 (default where omitted) will lead to inconsistent results, eg:
=MATCH("30-Nov-2009",date range)
will return position of 20 Apr 1900 and not that of 1 Nov 2009 which is the requirement.
To correct we will need to better understand what the significance of this added value is - ie why are you adding it ?
Is your intention such that "Progressive Total" will always appear or is this for sake of demo. ? If it always exists you can revise the approach to use that value, eg;
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Sorry I was not quite clear in explaining the problem.
It is only that the caculated values of 'Month total' & 'Progressive Total' for Dec/09 are missing, [without me adding the number 111 to the table in question].
Can you just confirm the values in F will always appear - ie they are not listed purely for sake of demo.
Given I can't guarantee I'll be around when you next post - assuming the answer to the above is yes then you could revise your approach such that:
Custom format applied to E10 onwards of say: #;;![]()
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Column F contains the items which are always there. Column E should contain their caculated values. Only the values in columns C & D are for the sake of demo.
I will try the formula yo just gave me and see how it works
I've just tested this new formula and it is working OK.
Thanks for you patience with me.
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