I hope I can explain this.
I have a very large database, filled with every job we're working on and all the details about it - duties, employees, vehicles, material-costs, etc.
I am currently working on a 1-page "Summary Sheet", that would be used to wade through all of this info and only give me the information I am looking for on one job. I would like to be able to provide drop-down menus on this "Summary Sheet" so that management can pick the information they'd like to see, and not be bombarded by everything else.
Ideally, what I am trying to do is to have a space on top where somebody could enter the name of the job, and then when they pick an item from the drop-down list, it would pull that info from the database via an "Index/Match". When somebody enters a job-name and picks "Joints Tested" from the drop-down, it will only display how many joints were tested on that job.
I already have the drop-downs created, and have other Index/Match formulas in other spreadsheets (they trip me up a bit, but I can generally fiddle with them until they work correctly), but can't figure out how to make it work this way. My database has headings above each column, and I'm writing those same headings next the different options in the drop-down list, but I can't figure it out.
Thanks in advance.