Hi there, I have a list of nine teams from B13:B21 with Wins in column C, Losses in Column D, Ties in Column E. Pts are in Column F (all of these run row 13 down to 21). The team listed in B13 has a cell name of One in the Name Box, team in B14 has a cell name of Two, etc up to Nine. The pts total for each team is also named, so F13 is called ptsone and has a current value of 8. F14 is called ptstwo and has a value of 10, etc.
What I'm trying to do is in a different area of the spreadsheet put a formula that will compare the pts values and then list the team standings based on those points. I was using nested IF statements, but have had no luck so far. Can anyone give me some tips on this request? Thx