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Finding a value without a specific cell location

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Finding a value without a specific cell location

    Hey all,

    I've attached the workbook and hopefully you guys can help me out.
    In Sheet 2 i have bunch of data and at the buttom of the sheet, is my summary area.
    This summary area contains 7 rows with 2 columns each that gives me a percentage breakdown.
    it looks like this.

    1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days >6 days
    68.09% 29.79% 2.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

    Basically i'm stuck because in Sheet 1, i can't use HLOOKUP.
    The reason i can't use this function is that the summary area's cell locations changes everyday.
    So basically in Sheet 2 today they are in rows 53 and 54. but tomorrow it could be rows 70 and 71. I don't want to keep updating the formula everyday.

    So ideally, Sheet 1 B6 should have a formula that will return me B54+C54 as a percentage and
    Sheet 1 C6 should have a formula that will return me B54+C54+D54+E54 as a percentage.

    Then tommorow as the values in Sheet 2 changes, Sheet 1 cells B6 and C6 should be able to adjust so i still get the correct percentages from the Summary area in Sheet 2.

    Sorry if this has confused anyone.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by hustlers #23; 09-03-2009 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Finding a value without a specific cell location

    OK a few points...

    First change the formulae you're using in your Summary section - as is you're storing numbers as text which is only going to cause you problems:

    'Sheet 2'!B54: =AVERAGE(K:K)
    copy across to H54
    For presentation purposes set cell format of B54:H54 to Percentage (to 2 decimals)
    Then to keep things simple... assuming "1 day" etc always appears in Column B on Sheet 2 and values are always in row below then use this logic to determine your remaining calcs - store this value in any given cell (to avoid repetitive calcs), eg:

    'Sheet 1'!$F$1: =MATCH("Day 1",'Sheet 2'!$B:$B,0)+1
    Your remaining calcs are then pretty straightforward I think...

    2 day
    'Sheet 1'!$B$7: =SUM(INDEX('Sheet 2'!$B:$C,$F$1,0))
    4 day
    'Sheet 1'!$C$7: =SUM(INDEX('Sheet 2'!$B:$E,$F$1,0))

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