I agree with JB that storage is key, however, to explain the above...Originally Posted by heel4you
Time in XL is Decimal and Dates are Integer, ie 24 hours = 1, noon = 0.5, 6am = 0.25, 6 pm = 0.75 etc... (this is why you were multiplying your answer by 24).
The reason therefore your formula in G9 was not working correctly was that you were adding 0.5 to the end time before subtracting the start time which basically adds 12 hours
Edit: JB, in your file I'd alter the COUNTA to a COUNT.
Edit: Edit: I just realised the 0.5 you were adding was to account for end time being entered as say 4:00 rather than 16:00, and so the above was still cause of error but for different reason, ie you don't need to add 12 hours for all end times (only when start time hour > end time hour!)