I'd like to create a teacher gradebook in Excel. I have a lot of complicated custom requirements (which is why I'm not using gradebook software), which I won't go into now, but the basic fundamental question:

I would like to enter all my grades in a simple grid: student names in the left column, assignment names in the top row -- so that each student's grades are all in one row. Simple enough.

Then I would like to be able to create another worksheet designed as a 1-page printable grade report for each student (using all sorts of graphs, averages, totals, etc. which I can figure out on my own).

I'd like to create only one "grade report" worksheet, so if I make a change in format I don't need to duplicate that change in each student's report. So I'd like to easily substitute row/student 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

If possible, I'd like to print an entire class of grade reports in just a few clicks (rather than "switch student, print, switch student, print" ad nauseum).

I'm guessing most of this is fairly straightforward in Excel, but I've never ventured beyond basic arithmetic formulas so I don't know where to search to find what I want.

On a related note:
-Is there any way, in a single row, to distinguish one grade from the next in terms of assignment type, for purposes of weighting? (column 5 is a homework assignment, 6 is an exam, 7 is extra credit, etc., all of which are weighted differently)

Thank you