Hi guys, after the help of the experts for work again.
I have a spreadhseet with various functions on it and what I am trying to do is this.
Cell E4 returns a >35 or <35 true or false value
Cell G4 is either blank or has "Yes" text type into it.
What I am trying to do is get cell F4 to return certain arguments.
E4 = >35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Email Hiring Manager"
E4 = ,35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Wait"
I have a basic IF formula that returns this
=IF(E4>35,"Email Hiring Manager","Wait")
Then if cell G4 is populated with a Yes the formula needs to overwirte the origonal if with the return arguments of
=IF(G4="Yes","Email Agency","Email Hiring Manager")
If yes then what would be Email Hiring Manager (yes will only be input if E4 is greater than 35) will be overwritten with "Email Agency"
Can this be done with two If formulas or does there need to be 3 or more to count if other IF formulas are actually returning a value?
Sorry for waffling