How can I add a radio or check button in column H so that I can select a certain row by clicking in the radio/check button and then when I click one of the hide/unhide buttons, it will hide the rows that dont have their radio/check button checked?
How can I add a radio or check button in column H so that I can select a certain row by clicking in the radio/check button and then when I click one of the hide/unhide buttons, it will hide the rows that dont have their radio/check button checked?
try autofilter instead ,put another column at end and put an X or something in rows you dont want to see and filter on does not = X
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Martin Wilson: SPV
Yea I thought of that but then its mainly done with the mouse, so if I could click it would be better
It sounds like you would have a lot of boxes using that method
Another option is to use a Toggle macro that places/removes a X from a cell in a column when it is selected or maybe even double clicked and then use Autofilter to filter on the X. (This is an expanded idea based o martindwilson suggestion)
The above suggestion allows for changing number of rows of data
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