Hey everyone, so I was introduced to array formulas the other day and I created one. It works great all the way until the end where I have one small problem. Right now it counts the row if something is entered in any of the 10 columns (401(k),403(b), etc) but my problem is the last one. While the first 10 each have just a particular text string in a column (it is either 401(k) or nothing), the last column has random text (an other box). I want to count a row if just that last column has something in it (not blank). I tried using a not blank statement as you can see in the last part of the array. So far no luck. Any idea?
Thank you so much!
=SUM((micro!DJ3:DJ8000="401(k)")+(micro!DK3:DK8000="401(a)")+(micro!DL3:DL8000="403(b)")+(micro!DM3:DM8000="457")+(micro!DN3:DN8000="Roth 401(k)/Roth 403(b)")+(micro!DO3:DO8000="Money Purchase")+(micro!DP3:DP8000="Profit Sharing/ESOP")+(micro!DQ3:DQ8000="Non-Qualified Deferred Comp")+(micro!DR3:DR8000="SEP")+(micro!DS3:DS8000="SIMPLE IRA")+(micro!DT3:DT8000="<>"""))