Hey, I only just ran a quick search to see if I'd been slated anywhere (I wasn't already aware of!) and came across this and yes you could avoid OFFSET here by using INDEX in such a way as to return all columns for a given row... ie this:
could become
So you run the MATCH of value against a range generated by the INDEX which itself is determined by the MATCH of value 1 against the left hand side column - by setting the column to 0 in the INDEX the range returns all values in that row (ie all columns)... because the final range is a Vector (1 row) you don't actually need to specify both column & row flag you need only specify that which is variable
(ie for a vertical vector column will always be 1 and for a horizontal vector the opposite is true in so far as the Row will always be 1)
EDIT: P.S. Flattery gets you everywhere... I don't think I've been referred to as the Master of anything other than of perhaps "disaster"...