Basically I have a phone number in column A:
In column B, I want it to show me the first 3 numbers from the left, (so 123)
So I do =LEFT(A2,3)
Which gives me 123, but it's displayed as text, which ruins my whole formula that looks up the area code and displays the state.
I googled the problem and found
which tells me to do:
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)+0=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)="1","Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as text]
but when i try that it just displays the ENTIRE phone number: 123-456-1234
i only want the first 3.. any ideas?