I would like to determine the average value in a column based on a criteria in an adjacent cell. Example: There are 2 sets of materials used. I would like excel to calculate the average and standard deviation of all values from set one, then all values from set 2. I tried using a daverage function but the criteria (set 1) needs to be directly below the column title, therefore, I dont know how to include set 2. For some reason I cant attach excel file so Ill cut and paste below..
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Set Time Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
1 6.00 1 6 7
1 7.00 2 5 8
2 2.00 3 4 9
2 4.00 4 3 10
2 6.00 5 2 11
1 9.00 6 1 12
Average Time for set 1
Standard deviation time for set 1
Average Time for set 2
Standard deviation time for set 2
Average Condition 1 for set 1