I have posted in the Excell Programming section but so far no advice:-
But am now trying this using Conditional Formatting in Excell 2000; so limited to 3 conditions.
However I cannot get it work with multiple conditions:-
A34 = Heritage Rly Assn Business Development Committee
A35 = North London Rly Historical Society
C34 = 23/09/2009 (formatted as WEEKDAY DD MMM YYYY)
D34 = 23/09/2009 13:30 (formatted as HH:MM)
In Cell C34
Format condition 1:-
=A34<>A35 , Format Bottom Border
Format condition 2:-
=AND(WEEKDAY(C34)>1,WEEKDAY(C34)<7,HOUR(D34)<18,A34<>A35), Format Bottom Border and Yellow pattern
Format condition 3:-
=AND(WEEKDAY(C34)>1,WEEKDAY(C34)<7,HOUR(D34)<18), Format Yellow pattern
In cell c34 Format condition 1 activates NOT condition 2.
In another cell, C13, condition 3 correctly operates; in this row A13 = A14. Condition 1 works i.e. the cells A1 and A2 are the same only cell A2 has the bottom border and if Cell A2 and A3 are different there is a bottom border in both cells.
There must be something wrong with my formula in condition 2 but I can't see what; condition 2 is just condition 1 amd 3 amalgamated.
The condition 2 should read:
If the date is not a Saturday or Sunday in cell C34 and the time is before 18:00 hours in Cell D34 and the name in the "a" cell i.e. A34 does not equal the name in the "a" cell below this one i.e. A35 put in a bottom border and colour the cell yellow.
Can anyone please advise?