I have a question regarding shortcuts changing the font color of parts of words. I've attached an image in case my question is not clear.
I like to Bold (CTRL+B) and change the font color of only parts of words. For example: dogs -> dogs
I can do CTRL+B easily enough, but I was wondering if it were possible to find a way to do the same for the font color? Right now, I have to highlight the letters, then move my mouse all the way to the top left corner and click... it's a pain. Even better, is it possible to make a command that would let me bold and change the color at the same time?
I'd be happy just being able to move the Font color button closer to where I need them, but it seems stuck on the ribbon and I can't move it.
I tried to record a macro, but it would only work for an entire cell - I can't figure out how to make it work for just highlighted characters. I'm also pretty shaky with Excel, so I don't understand a lot of the coding jargon or advanced stuff.
Thanks for any help!