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Excel Spreadsheet View Issue XP and 2003 versions

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    Linlithgow, Scotland
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    Excel 2003

    Excel Spreadsheet View Issue XP and 2003 versions

    On a series of spreadsheets I can see from A1 to N29 on 100% view (XP), however one of my users can see from A1 to EE29 (so it is very condensed), also on 100% view (2003). The print preview is also mis-aligned.

    This is only an issue on about 20 spreadsheets, of similar layout, others workboofs are fine.

    If the user views the problem series on other machines then they are fine.

    There is nothing obvious in preferences, and the other workbooks are ok.

    My screen is 15” at 1280 x 960; the user has a 17” at 1290 x 1024.

    I appreciate that you would see more on a larger screen, but not to the point that the screen can not be worked with.

    The user with the issue is seeing 109 columns, whereas I see 14. I would not expect that much difference to the working screen.

    I’ve changed the monitor twice, once to an identical 17” monitor, and once to another 17” model.

    Each time the spreadsheet view is compressed.

    The spreadsheets in question were working fine up until 30 June, when the used went on holiday, an on their return on 08 July the view was causing problems.

    No other issues with this user account or system.

    Kind regards

    Iain Stedman
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