Here's a new version that gives you the Vendor or Item code only search ability on sheet 3.
1) It no longer uses column A on Sheet1 at all. Depending on which search code you enter, it searches by THAT column on sheet1.
2) The ITEM CODES on sheet1 need to be TEXT STRINGS for this to work properly. The easiest way to convert an existing numeric value to text string is to use this in an adjacent cell:
Then copy that down the whole dataset to get the text values, then copy them and EDIT > PASTESPECIAL > VALUES over the original numbers to get a new set of text values instead.
In the future, make sure the column is already formatted as text before entering the numbers and they will be accepted by Excel as text.
3) Sheet3 now auto clears if you delete both search criteria
4) Since only one search criteria is needed, the other cell will clear itself if you enter a value in the other search cell
5) The VENDOR search will capitalize for you even if you enter "auto" becomes "AUTO".
6) As soon as you enter a search string, the search will occur, no need to click a button.
7) The CLEAR and SEARCH buttons aren't really needed anymore