OK. this might take me a while to digest, my eyes are starting to go crosseyed with all the formulas. Will I have to somehow remove the scores that are higher or lower than the parameters that you set?
OK. this might take me a while to digest, my eyes are starting to go crosseyed with all the formulas. Will I have to somehow remove the scores that are higher or lower than the parameters that you set?
Base on your original post:
These columns only populate if all values in column B are outside the parameters that would populate column F & GI would also like to generate the 5 highest and lowest relative numbers, ie. if there are no scores over 7.5, then the 5 next highest numbers.
I replaced some of your values in column B for testing.. all of the numbers in column B of my sheet are outside your 5.04 to 7.45 parameters.
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ahh, I get it. What I'm looking for though is for it to include the absolute strengths in with the relative. for example, on the example sheet, there are exactly 5 absolute strengths, so the top 5 relative strengths should be the same ones. As for the relative weaknesses, there are 11 absolute, but it should pick out the lowest 5.
So since you ranked them, you can use that column...
In H2: =IF(C2<=5,A2,".")
and in I2: =IF(C2>=LARGE($C$2:$C$25,5),A2,".")
copied down.
you did it. Thank you so much for the help, and not making me feel like a complete idiot. I knew I ranked them for a reason. Thank you so so much!
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