I have writen the following formula in cell C8 but i don't get any result.
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('Consumables In AM Rack'!$B$4:$B$357,SMALL(IF('Consumables In AM Rack'!$A$4:$A$357=$C$3,ROW('Consumables In AM Rack'!$A$4:$A$357),""),ROW()))),"",INDEX('Consumables In AM Rack'!$B$4:$B$357,SMALL(IF('Consumables In AM Rack'!$A$4:$A$357=$C$3,ROW('Consumables In AM Rack'!$A$4:$A$357),""),ROW()))).
In Basic.
User enters code in cell C3 (press enter)
Array formula looksup the value in Consumables In AM Rack sheet column A bring over all the list of location it matches in column B one by one.
result i should see in Location Search Sheet.
for code 24959
cell C8 should have AM351002
cell C9 should have AM353002
cell C10 should have AM354002
For code SW09
cell C8 should have AM351001
cell C9 should have AM352002
cell C10 should have AM353001
Please can you assist me.
Many Thanks in advance.