Greetings from just down the road in Frimley.
You appear to have a data quality issue here. VLOOKUP is looking for an exact match and is not detecting the similarity between codes on the two sheets which differ in subtle ways (e.g. in row 17 contains a hyphen while the code on the second sheet doesn't).
You could use a variation on the formula such as ..
.. in this case but you appear to have quite a wide variety of variations between the codes.
I tried using the following macro to clean up the codes on the two sheets by removing any non alphanumerics and converting all to upper case.
Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Selection
For N = Len(Cell) To 1 Step -1
Select Case Asc(Mid(Cell, N, 1))
Case 65 To 90, 48 To 57
Case 97 To 122
Cell.Value = Left(Cell.Value, N - 1) & UCase(Mid(Cell, N, 1)) & Right(Cell.Value, Len(Cell.Value) - N)
Case Else
Cell.Value = Left(Cell.Value, N - 1) & Right(Cell.Value, Len(Cell.Value) - N)
End Select
Next N
Next Cell
End Sub
This certainly helps but there are still a significant proportion where there isn't an exact match which will need some manual inspection. Please visit my home page if you want some local support on this.