Hi Excel Gurus,
After completing almost 106 days I am very thank full Forums experts as because of them I am able to use some formula more effectively.
Now I've jammed in below problem and almost struggling from last 2 days, At last, I ve got the solution but seeking for some improvement in formula. Hope I'll get some cool solution from you. My problem is :
1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.
2. Now in H column I want use this formula which I obtained from this forum
To get the position of Students.
But the text value "fail" in the G2:G7 getting Position No. 1 and i've noticed the reason by using evaluate formula as well.
3. I got solution by changing "Fail" with 0 by creating column I and then column H put this formula.
Now after spending a more time I made this array formula for H2 to control Text Values
And more work to get total marks + position ......
Now I am wounder that is there a way to get rid of Column G ?????
By replacing (if there is any method) G2, G3, G4 etc. with Sum(B2:F2); Sum(B3:F3);Sum(B4:F4) etc. in below formula
All the things are briefly described in attached sheet.