I confess I'm not sure the results you want make a great deal of sense to me (given in the example position 2 is rally the 2nd instance of position 1 and thus does not exist per se) but... I would still be inclined to revert back to an older incarnation of your solution so as to keep as efficient as possible...
G2: =IF(MIN(B2:F2)<60,0,SUM(B2:F2))
copied down as required
Apply format to G2:G7 of: General;;"FAIL"
Using the Custom Format approach you can leave the underlying values in G as numerics to simplify latter calcs but have the cell appear to contain text string.
Then to generate your desired result of Score-SpecialRank / Fail use:
H2: =IF($G2,$G2&"-"&1+SUMPRODUCT(--($G$2:$G$7>$G2),1/COUNTIF($G$2:$G$7,$G$2:$G$7)),"Fail")
copied down as required
This way you're avoiding the use of Volatile Sumproducts etc...
I know others with greater skills than me are looking at this so you might still (if you're lucky) get a humdinger of a solution... the above is based purely on my own opinion & skillset.