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Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Hi Excel Gurus,

    After completing almost 106 days I am very thank full Forums experts as because of them I am able to use some formula more effectively.

    Now I've jammed in below problem and almost struggling from last 2 days, At last, I ve got the solution but seeking for some improvement in formula. Hope I'll get some cool solution from you. My problem is :

    1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.
    2. Now in H column I want use this formula which I obtained from this forum
    To get the position of Students.
    But the text value "fail" in the G2:G7 getting Position No. 1 and i've noticed the reason by using evaluate formula as well.
    3. I got solution by changing "Fail" with 0 by creating column I and then column H put this formula.
    Now after spending a more time I made this array formula for H2 to control Text Values
    And more work to get total marks + position ......
    Now I am wounder that is there a way to get rid of Column G ?????
    By replacing (if there is any method) G2, G3, G4 etc. with Sum(B2:F2); Sum(B3:F3);Sum(B4:F4) etc. in below formula

    All the things are briefly described in attached sheet.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by mubashir aziz; 07-07-2009 at 06:17 AM. Reason: special thanks DK for its usual cooperation .....
    If this post helps, Please don't 4get to click the star icon located at the bottom left of my Post.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Maybe I'm missing something but could't you just use the below (and dispense with I & J)

    H2: =IF(ISNUMBER($G2),$G2&"-"&1+COUNTIF($G$2:$G$7,">"&$G2),"Fail")
    copied down

    EDIT: perhaps you're saying you want to generate H without need for G, I or J ?
    Last edited by DonkeyOte; 07-02-2009 at 04:39 AM.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    If I'm correct and you want to dispense with all but A:F and present results in G then perhaps:

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    Note however that this is Volatile Sumproduct and as such performance is not going to be great - you would IMO be best served forgoing elegance for the sake of efficiency and using your existing setup of G and previously provided solution for H.

    You could probably do the above with a FREQUENCY Array but these aren't my strong point - I will take a look though.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Oh thx DK for a nice solution in H2 and yes i only wanted to show result in Cell G and agree with your suggestion but i really wanted this just to increase my knowledge and this can be helpful in some circumstances ............

    About Frequency i just checked it out, it seems to be useful but telling you honestly first time i tried this function but will try to dig in....
    anyway I'll wait for some more effective & fast solution from you .....

  5. #5
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    anyway I'll wait for some more effective & fast solution from you .....
    Does the formula in post #3 not resolve your issue ?
    ie it only requires the data in B:F

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    Does the formula in post #3 not resolve your issue ?
    ie it only requires the data in B:F
    yes my problem is solved and i was just hoping you to do this by using FREQUENCY

    Anyway, I've got the best solution as per expectations and does not force you to do more work on it ......


  7. #7
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    @Sorry DK but i was just rechecking your formula and noticed if two students get equal positions then next position will be skipped like if two students get position no. 1 at the same time then position no. 2 will be skipped and same issue in case two students get the same position no. 2 then 3 will be skipped .......
    Any idea ???

  8. #8
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    That's the basic premise of ranking, ie

    20: 3
    30: =1
    30: =1

    The 2nd instance of Rank 1 takes the place of what would otherwise have been Rank 2.

    Are you saying you want:

    20: 2
    30: 1
    30: 1

  9. #9
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    Are you saying you want:

    20: 2
    30: 1
    30: 1
    Yes DK, I require above result and don't want rank but positions for a school's result ......
    My formula is working fine but for the sake of knowledge & brainstorming I am trying to do all calculations in Column H OR looking for quick & short solution.

  10. #10
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    I confess I'm not sure the results you want make a great deal of sense to me (given in the example position 2 is rally the 2nd instance of position 1 and thus does not exist per se) but... I would still be inclined to revert back to an older incarnation of your solution so as to keep as efficient as possible...

    G2: =IF(MIN(B2:F2)<60,0,SUM(B2:F2))
    copied down as required

    Apply format to G2:G7 of: General;;"FAIL"

    Using the Custom Format approach you can leave the underlying values in G as numerics to simplify latter calcs but have the cell appear to contain text string.

    Then to generate your desired result of Score-SpecialRank / Fail use:

    H2: =IF($G2,$G2&"-"&1+SUMPRODUCT(--($G$2:$G$7>$G2),1/COUNTIF($G$2:$G$7,$G$2:$G$7)),"Fail")
    copied down as required

    This way you're avoiding the use of Volatile Sumproducts etc...

    I know others with greater skills than me are looking at this so you might still (if you're lucky) get a humdinger of a solution... the above is based purely on my own opinion & skillset.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    I know others with greater skills than me are looking at this .............
    Luke, who do you mean? I can't think of anybody who falls into that category.....

    I absolutely agree with you that a helper column is the best way.

    I often like to read the question without looking too closely at others responses, lest I get led down the wrong path, so I read the question (more than once) and thought about a SUBTOTAL(9,OFFSET...type approach.....but was still a little stuck on excluding "Fail" rows. Then I read your post and saw that you'd also used SUBTOTAL(5, OFFSET....

    At that point I concluded that the best man for the job was already on the case.....great stuff

  12. #12
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Thanks dll - very kind of you to say...

    Quote Originally Posted by dll
    I can't think of anybody who falls into that category.....
    I think we both know to whom I was referring

    ...and without getting into the mutual backslapping too much you would certainly feature in my personal trinity of formula gurus (in no particular order).. can you guess the other two ?

  13. #13
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Quote Originally Posted by daddylonglegs View Post
    Luke, who do you mean? I can't think of anybody who falls into that category.....

    At that point I concluded that the best man for the job was already on the case.....great stuff
    Agreed with Dll as from the day i joined here, every time i look exceptional replies from DK ........

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    I confess I'm not sure the results you want make a great deal of sense to me (given in the example position 2 is rally the 2nd instance of position 1 and thus does not exist per se) but... I would still be inclined to revert back to an older incarnation of your solution so as to keep as efficient as possible...

    G2: =IF(MIN(B2:F2)<60,0,SUM(B2:F2))
    copied down as required

    Apply format to G2:G7 of: General;;"FAIL"

    I know others with greater skills than me are looking at this so you might still (if you're lucky) get a humdinger of a solution... the above is based purely on my own opinion & skillset.

    @DK this part is cool by the use of custom format ....

    As i earlier told that i wanted students positions in the class so thats why i couldn't use rank() function because rank and positions are different .... like in a class 1st position can be achieved by 2 students and 2nd can be for 3 but 2nd position can not be vacant ........

    I think now this formula can't be shorten but i was just thinking the possibilities of using only column G but please i am 101% agreed with your suggestion and solution of using column G and then H ....... thx for spending time on my solution .....

    Last edited by mubashir aziz; 07-03-2009 at 02:21 AM.

  14. #14
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    can you guess the other two
    Purely from regular Excelforum contributors I'd have to go for Domenic and Ron Coderre

  15. #15
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Cool Solution .........

    @Thx DK for your classic approach towards formulas and sorry to force you on the solution in one column. Actually one of my friend works in a school and her principal / (owner of the school ) wants to do every work in MS Excel as she thinks she knows about Excel and no one can cheat with her as databases are harmful and someone can easily deceive him. Now my friend time to time visit me and always come with a unique / headache problem. After scolding her , I always try to get some solution and she promised that she will try to consol her principal to adopt the same approach as advised by me but after few days again ..

    Anyway, now they gave these options

    • If the student pass then his marks & position will appear (Solved)
    • If the student fail in any subject then “Fail” will appear. (Solved)
    • If any subject's result is awaited they want RL (Result Later on) in the status but if the candidates passed in all others subjects. (Now I solved”)
    To solved the problem 3rd I just used your approach by formatting *General;"RL";"FAIL"* then make slightly change in

    G2= IF(MIN(B2:F2)<60,0,IF(COUNTIF(B2:F2,"RL")>=1,-1,SUM(B2:F2)))
    I hope above will be acceptable by them. Now I just asking that Is my approach is right or is there any improvement required?

    Moreover, I placed the same query on other forum and got a dynamic solution by pgc01 but with lot of advise (almost scolding) to use DK method (now I’ll transfer the same to my friend). You can see exclusive formula by Guru …..


  16. #16
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Using multipel sum ranges in Sumproduct() & countif() in array

    Yes I saw PGC01's solution at MrExcel which was as usual of the very highest quality but he too stressed the point that doing in one cell is not really "optimal".
    (PGC01 and I are members of both forums - though he operates here under an alternate user name which I won't divulge in case he wishes to remain anom.)

    Re: your revisions - all look fine to me though I would reiterate the point we've discussed previously that only 0 equates to FALSE in XL so you could remove some of your tests as they're not truly required... in the below formulae I've highlighted in red those parts that could be removed:

    G2= IF(MIN(B2:F2)<60,0,IF(COUNTIF(B2:F2,"RL")>=1,-1,SUM(B2:F2)))

    would require swapping RL & FAIL around in the IF
    the above changes would have a negligible (to the point of being immeasurable) impact on performance but just highlighting possible opportunities to shorten formulae.

    You could also think about removing the IFs and using a CHOOSE approach based on SIGN of G2


  17. #17
    Forum Contributor mubashir aziz's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Thanks for telling about Sign()

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    Re: your revisions - all look fine to me though I would reiterate the point we've discussed previously that only 0 equates to FALSE in XL so you could remove some of your tests as they're not truly required... in the below formulae I've highlighted in red those parts that could be removed:

    You could also think about removing the IFs and using a CHOOSE approach based on SIGN of G2
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    Oh its great DK, I never used SIGN but you have shown a new way to use sign with Choose(). In future I'll try to adopt choose.
    Thx for your typical explanations ........

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