Thank you in advance to helping me, I am Trying to use Outlook and excel to calculate the pay i should receive each month, I use Outlook mobile to schedule my working hours and export it into excel with the following fields:

Subject, <day> (manually entered), Start date, start time, end time, <#hours>(manually entered), <#mins>(manually entered), <Pay rate> (manually entered)

I then create a filter on subject to show only my work appointments

I copy all the start date field into day field and use a custom format of 'dddd' so it displays the Day of the week ie Monday

I now want to use an IF command to display which pay rate i should be on: Say i get Paid £10/hour every day except sunday which is £15/hour I have tried using the following formula: =IF(B5="Sunday","15", "10") where B5 is the day field, however it is not working as my formula is reading the unformatted data ie 28/06/09 and not the formatted data of 'Sunday'

Any way to fix this? i hope my problem is readable

just to clarify im using Excel 2007 not Excel mobile!