I have a problem with a spreadsheet I am working on in Excel 2007.
I will try to include as much information as possible but please feel free to contact me if I have missed anything out.
I am trying to compile a spreadsheet for a new contract year in August 09, what I need is this spreadsheet to calculate on programme monthly payments for our learners. I have the following columns in my spreadsheet:
Type (Start, monthly, final)
Banding (A,B or C)
(Type and Band have different financial values, ie. a start for band A could be £1, band B £2 and band C £3, then monthly for Band A £2, Band B £4 and so on)
Start Date
Planned end date
Actual end date
12x Monthly payments (ie. Period 1, period 2, period 3 ....)
What I need is for a calculation to be entered into the monthly payment columns ie. Period 1 - to pick up the type and banding figure for that row(start/band A - £1), if the learner was in learning in August 2009, so the formula needs to look at the start date and then the planned end but then for the actual end date to overide the planned end date if there is a date entered in this column.
I need to be able to see that each row, which will be for each learner gives a total funding for that individual for the contract year, ie. if they start in Period 1 but actual end date is Period 4 then columns Period 1 - 4 will generate a figure for each column.
Also I need to see the total funding for each period (column).
Example: If a leaner starts in August (Period 1) and is due to finish in December (Period 5), but actually leaves in September (Period 2) then the formula only generates a payment for Period (Column) 1-2.
I am fine with sum calculations but have limited experience with IF formulas.
I would appreciated any advice or support anyone could give me on this, if needs be I can add a screen shot if I'm not making myself clear.
Ok, I am goign to stop now, I think I'll probably confuse folks even more if I carry on.
Thanks in anticipation of your support.