Hi Guys,
I shall be forever in your debt if you can get this working!
The spreadsheet attached contains Data in a table, Column Heading : Times from 00:00 - 23:30 in half hourly increments, Row Heading: Contains dates from 01/01/08 - 29/01/09
Sheet2 contains a button linked to a macro, when clicked it populates Cell B11 with the contents of 01/01/08 at 00:00 then cycles through to 00:30, 01:00, 01:30 until it reaches 23:30 then it drops to the next row and starts again at 00:00 on 02/01/08
Sub cycle()
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In Range("'14487059'!B2:AW366")
Range("'14487059'!A1").Value = rCell
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:0"))
Next rCell
End Sub
I need a way to vary the cells this cycles through.
I have made a search box which I am hoping to use to restrict the entries cycled through in cell B11.
options are:
Weekday / Weekend / all - Only Cycle through cells which occur on a weekend, weekday or all days.
Time Selection: Only cycle through cells which occur between the selected times.
Month Selection: Only cycle through cells which occur during that month.
There can be any combination of these searches : eg: all cells which occur during a weekday between 13:00 and 18:00 during the month of May.
Please let me know if you think it cannot be done so i can look for other solutions but if Excel can handle this then that will be ideal!
Look Forward to what you guys can come up with!