I have a spreadsheet that contains start and finish dates for four school terms as well as public holidays that may or may not fall within the school terms. Eg:
Start Finish
T1 28/01/2010 1/04/2010
T2 20/04/2010 2/07/2010
T3 20/07/2010 24/09/2010
T4 12/10/2010 12/12/2010
Public Holidays
Australia Day 26/01/2010
Anzac Day 25/04/2010
Queen's Birthday 14/06/2010
Labour Day 4/10/2010
Good Friday 2/04/2010
Easter Monday 5/04/2010
What I want is to generate columns that have:
1: the Term number. This will be either "Term 1", "Term 2", "Term 3" or "Term 4"
2: the week in the term (terms vary in length from 9 to 11 weeks here),
3: the weekdays (from Mon - Fri)
4: with the date written under each weekday, for the whole year.
My problem is that I don't want to include any public holidays in the columns that are listed.
I'm using Excel 2007.
If I've left out any important details, please ask.
Any help is very much appreciated.