Example of what I need:
A- Qty
G- $ x 1.15
I- 135 / Qty
J- 85 / Qty
K- 60 / Qty
L- $ x 1.15
N- $ per each
O- Total $
I need to be able to key in a number in the cells above, have the keyed in number displayed in the cell and for the formulas to be used with the results put on another worksheet.
Example of what is keyed in:
A- 5
G- $5.00
I- 1
J- 1
K- 10
L- $3.00
N- $168.20
Example of what needs to be displayed on the second worksheet:
A- 5
G- $28.75
I- 135
J- 60
K- 600
L- $3.00
N- $168.20
O- $841.00
I think there is going to be 3 different worksheets.
One will have the keyed in info. This is basically everything per item.
Second will have the results or rather, will have the info keyed in on first worksheet combined with the formulas (*1.15 or the qty divided by 60..etc)
And then the last worksheet will have the look up values. The (*1.15 or the qty divided by 60..etc).
The last worksheet will need to be live- the values may change. For example, maybe the 60 will be increased.. and so on.
Thanks in advance for any help!